Wednesday, November 18, 2015


*testing* *testing 1,2,3*

*sigh* So, here goes...

Hello there! *insert creepy over-excited smiley right here :D* I'm Rianne, and first thing's first: I'm a train-wreck. I have no idea what I'm doing with my life, and sometimes, my life controls me instead of vice versa. So, yeah, be aware of that. :)

I suppose you want to know alllllllll about me, right? Nah. Well, I'll tell you the boring details of my chaotic life, anyways. 

My name is Rianne, which is a very unusual name. (I thank the Academy, my mom, and pot.) Elizabeth is my first name and you will probably not find anyone with my name. I swear. It was like my parents were trying to make me stand out for the rest of my life. Forget my big nose and bad skin, I need a outcast name as well. Thanks, Mom! :D -_-

I'm a overly optimistic person when I'm happy, and the biggest ass when I'm angry. I curse a lot, and I have opinions that will shock many people. I keep to myself most of the time, and I'm really introverted. I love to read, write, film, and shop. 

I'm an avid Amazon shopper, and I recently found this wonderful thing called free products for reviews. So, YAY! I get a free product, and all I have to do is write a detailed review. Doesn't even have to be a 'kiss-ass' review. Won't be anyway, 'cause I don't run that way. *insert cool people glasses*

Anyways, I guess I should tell you a little bit more about me so that you can feel like you've 'connected with me' in some way. I'm really not that interesting of a person, though. I'm a struggling student whose biggest fear is winter exams, and I am in love with makeup and fitness. No, seriously, they are my forever lovers. 

Makeup is like my best friend. I am always out looking for new products, trying new colors and styles, and experimenting with new techniques. I love how you can make yourself look any way that you can imagine just by painting your face. 

My face is a canvas to me; makeup is an expression of art. It's not something I wear from some hidden childhood trauma about my appearance...I just love the artistic expression it gives. I love dressing up as someone I'm not.

Living healthy and being fit is bittersweet for me. I reaaallllllllyyyy love fast food, but I also love feeling and being healthy. I hate exercise, but I love working out. You see my predicament?, I'm always fighting an inner battle on that... 

I'm going to let you figure out the rest; as you read my blog and discover the person I really am. Ain't it fun? ;)